
addicted to injection

28th May, 2009.
i've got my first time to blood donor. of course i was the donor :)
before that time, i've tried three times to give my blood but i didn't qualified because my weight was not enough yet :D

so i was trying on that time, when my faculty celebrate it's 9th birthday :)
and guess what??
i PASSED!!!!! :))

i was HAPPY but my heart was beating like a hammer! LOL
my friend said that the feeling when the hypodermic needle touch the skin was soooo hurt!
my heart keep beating more than like a hammer! :D

and then...
here we go!!
it's my turn!

so i came up to that room where two beds and a nurse were there.


it's really my turn!!

the nurse tell me to be in bed and she measured my blood pressure first.
i asked, "is it hurt?"
and she just smile at me! sigh*


and then she started to put the hypodermic needle into my skin softly...
i feel NOTHING!
my friend lied to me!


it's finish!
i shocked that my out-blood is 250cc :D

but, wait..

i feel something..

i guess i WANTed it more!!
i WANT more!!

please give me the needle..


Anonymous said...

mang pada dasarx kmu gampang addicted, lebih-lebih addicted pada anugrah..(anu gratis)..hehe

Kartika Monoarfa said...


u offered it! :P

Kartika Monoarfa said...


ayoooo coba donor darah!! :D

iCHaL said...

tika lbh brani dr sy,,,sy blum pernah donor darah.. *tears*

Anonymous said...

akhirnya berat badanmu cukup..
stelah brapa hari ga pup buu? XD
oh tuhaaaaannn...
ampuni makhluk ini..
dy sudah mendonorkan darah kotor.. XD

Kartika Monoarfa said...

@ichal: ayo coba saja... nggak sakit.. cuma kayak digigit seribu semut di tempat yang sama. hahaha

@i know who u r, tante kunti: sirik yah? hahahahaha

MeuwMeuw said...

yah kayaknya sudah bertahun tahun lalu saya bilang rasanya enak...

sekarang kamu baru merasakannya sendiri...khu khu khu...


Kartika Monoarfa said...

bertahun tahun lalu? saya bahkan belum cukup umur, remember? :P

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